Our WHY:
Mission, Vision, Values
Our Mission
Sandy Spring Museum connects diverse communities and advances social equity through shared and inspiring experiences of our region’s cultural heritage.
Our Vision
Sandy Spring Museum envisions an equitable Montgomery County that leverages the rich and diverse cultural heritages of its residents as a vehicle toward increased empathy, cross-cultural understanding, and coalition building.
Our Values
The Power of Shared Experience: We believe shared experience creates and sustains strong communities.
The Urgency of Equity, Inclusion, and Diverse Perspectives: We believe pro-active steps are required to build, and preserve, an equitable, inclusive, and diverse Museum and society. We offer a platform for diverse perspectives and cede authority to artists and communities regarding how to present themselves.
The Wisdom of Collaboration: We believe we are our best as individuals and organizations when we work together for mutual benefit.
The Vision of Innovation and Culture: We marshal every available resource to support creative risk and experimentation. We believe that creative practice is an essential tool to envision and build a better tomorrow.
Stewardship and Resourcefulness: We are entrepreneurial and responsible managers of the Museum’s financial and physical assets, including its historic collections. We continually seek to strengthen ourselves so that we may better serve our neighbors and the artists who call these halls home.